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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Cat Adventures Chapter 10: Unstuck

I heard a shrill sound as Sunny plummeted into the ditch. I glanced upwards, to see the hawk ascending with empty talons. I peered into the ditch, and an anxious lump rose in my throat. There were two wide, glistening eyes staring imploringly at me. I seized the rope, hoping to haul Sunny up. I began lowering it down, desperately hoping Sunny could reach it. "Can you reach this?" I called to Sunny. All I heard was a muffled "mrr".  I hauled the rope up, heart pounding in anticipation and hope that Sunny was clinging to the rope. When I brought it up,  I saw only the frayed edges.  There was only one more solution, which would probably result in my getting stuck in the ditch as well. My jaw shook as I asked Pammy to hold my tail, and lower me into the ditch. She clamped her claws on my tail, and began lowering me down, rope in hand. My tail was tearing off my body, splitting with pain. However, I knew I had to rescue Sunny, and I would do anything to save her.

I glanced at the blackness, waiting to swallow me up. I felt Pammy's claws sliding on my tail, and still I felt no tug from Sunny. Pammy herself was already dangling halfway off the edge of the ditch. My breaths were short and clipped in half. Then, I felt a gentle tug and sway on the rope. Sunny? My eyes strained to discern the frail body of Sunny, clinging to the rope for dear life. I gazed into the fearful, wide eyes, telling me, "You can get me out, Pounce, right?" I could, and just had to hang on. "U--p," I gasped tightly. I was back on my feet, gasping and regaining my breath. Sunny clutched my neck and buried her face in my soiled fur. Now we still had to liberate the wheel. I took the logs I had gathered, and tried to push the cart up. I heaved and leaned. Waves of heat circlulated through my body. The sun was at its hottest, and soon the owner of this house would return and see their excavated lawn. My throat was parched, but a tiny voice inside me urged me not to rest. I had already chosen to be a member of this journey, and needed to remain faithful to our mission.

"1-2-3 PULL!" Felicia hollered, until we were all pulling in rhythm. With each pull,  my body became more exhausted and faint. The world spun around me in my dizziness from the strain. "Water break! If you want it get it now!" Felicia panted. I leapt up. The chilled water trickled down my parched throat, restoring my energy with every sip. I splashed it on my face and closed my eyes at how refreshing it felt. By the time we resumed work, I felt ready and energetic. Half of us positioned ourselves on either side of the caravan. We placed our paws under the cart for what we all hoped to be the final pull. All my energy went into this. My whole body shuddered and quaked under the force. If I continued pushing, I would split right in half. Every time I bent a limb, a sharp sting would travel through it. It felt as if I was under a 1-ton weight (which I probably was). I would try one more time. Every time I grew discouraged, I thought of the championships, and Felicia. I grunted and squeaked uncontrollably under the exertion. Then, my heart jumped. The wagon jolted up. The log blocks crumbled as the wheel burst out of the ditch. It was out, and surprisingly unscathed! Finally, it was time to eat. At this time, I would ot be able to hear a pack of twenty hyenas calling over my stomach.

 We ate some of the food we packed, and, after I ate a fish and cupcake, I could barely open and close my jaws with tiredness. "Carry me,shake me, and sprinkle me with water before you leave tomorrow." With that, I fell asleep. The only problem was, we were still on the lawn. "Pounce!" I woke up sweating from a dream that I was being chased by a wild beast. Then, I saw that my dream was reality. A car's bright lights were glaring in my eyes. I dashed into the wagon as Felicia started the train. I slept for several hours until a cry of "Danger! Run!" startled me. "The wolves!" I glanced out of the peep hole, and saw stampedes of wolves trying to gain access to the caravan. "Get the meat!" called Isabella from the back, tossing a mouse and part of a steak to the wolves. One wolf took it, but the others paid no heed. Crackers was near the exit, hissing wildly. She opened the window a crack and reached a slashing paw out. "No!" I cried, and snatched her back. I felt a sudden cold gust of wind. Then I sensed the eerie feeling of being watched - by an enemy. I glanced around myself, wondering what was monitoring me. What I saw left me petrified with terror.

What did Pounce see? Will the Flying Felinis be safe from the wolves? Find out in the next chapter!

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