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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Make a Miniature World ----- With Terrariums!!

 Do you want to grow plants in your own home? It's easy, if you make a terrarium. Here's how:
1. Find a suitable-shaped glass container that plants can fit through. You can easily get one at your local craft store. 
2. Pour in an inch-thick layer of pebbles or rocks to create a false drainage system for the plant roots.
3. Add a thin layer of activated charcoal. This keeps the water fresh, and prevents mold and bacteria from building up.
 4. Add a layer of potting soil. They also make a special mix if you choose to use cacti and succulents instead of moss and ferns. The potting soil sometimes comes with the plant you purchase. 
5. Add a layer of sand on top of that. 
6. Now, get creative with the garnish! Add moss and lichen if you want. You can even put in little figurines! Do anything that occurs to your mind!
7. Finally, place your plants in. 

Depending on what kind of plant it is, it will need a certain amount of water. For succulents and cacti, give them barely any water(once or twice a month, perhaps, and not that much). For all other plants, water them weekly. You can buy plants for your terrarium, or harvest them from your own backyard. If they come from your backyard, you must be sure to dig it up by the roots. Without roots, the plant will not survive and just shrivel up. Also, be sure to put your terrarium in a fairly sunny area. 
Do you want to recycle? Then, make a lightbulb terrarium! You can use soft forceps to move small plants in. Lightbulb terrariums can be used also as Christmas ornaments!

Do you have a cat that eats plants? If the answer is yes, you must be careful about what you put in your terrariums! One of the best cat-safe plants to put in a terrarium is catnip or cat grass! Other non-toxic plants include spider plants(my cat loves them!), the Christmas Cactus, African violets, and the tiny air plants. Before you buy a plant for your terrarium, research whether or not it is okay for cats. Usually succulents or brightly colored plants are not okay for cats. In terms of flowers to set on your table, use sunflowers, roses or alstroemeria. Easter lilies and calla lilies are toxic to cats. 
Here is another way to have fun with plants:
You can press flowers and leaves! This dries them up so they keep their color but do not decay. All you have to do is pick a few flowers and leaves and put them in the press. You can buy a press kit, or you could simply leave the flowers in the pages of your largest, heaviest book. After doing this, leave your plants in the press(or book) for a day or more. When you take it out, it should be dry and pressed flat. These can make lovely gifts for a friend or relative. 
Pansies are lovely when pressed. They can be arranged to make exquisite art, or even jewelry. 
You can easily make this!
Just by using pressed flowers and water-color paint, you can make a masterpiece!

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