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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How to Understand Your Pet Cat

How to understand your pet cat by using her behavior:

Different cats have extremely different specific languages, but here are some of the basics that you need to know:

Ears :
1. Ears are back : Your cat is feeling rather tense, but you can still pet it.

2. Ears are perked up: Your cat is hearing an unusual or sudden sound. This gesture, in general, means your cat is alert. 

3. Ears are in a neutral pose: Your cat is totally relaxed and happy.


1. Tail is held up while walking: This is a friendly gesture and it means your cat is coming to bash or jump on you, and not attack you.

2. Tail is twitching: Your cat is feeling tense. 

3. Tail is swatting madly: Your cat is now easily irritable or feeling wild, if not already so. Do not pet your cat if she is doing this.

4. Tail is puffed and fur sticking up: Your cat is actively agitated and is best avoided in all manners until she calms down. 


1. Body is hunched and eyes are wide: Your cat is preparing to pounce, and maybe at you. Don't worry, your cat is just trying to get you to play with her. You guessed what you should do: play with her!

2. Your cat has rolled over belly-up: Your cat feels safe and happy, and maybe expecting a belly rub. However, if this action is performed in front of another, strange cat, it means that the cat doing the roll is saying that it means no harm by accidentally trespassing on the other cat's territory. It is the decision of the other cat whether or not to fight. 

3. These are not the only formations of cat body language. This is something that varies from cat to cat. It is up to you to figure it out by trial-and-error. If your cat is giving you a new pose or meow, try different things and see which seems to earn the greatest approval. It can be playing, petting, feeding, or cleaning the litterbox. These are the most likely things that your cat wants. Try other things, though, especially if you have a special thing to do with each other  unique to you and your pet.

Advice for raising a cat successfully:

1. NEVER yell at your cat or chase it, even if it does something bad. The more you yell or chase your cat, the shorter it lives. Not only that, would you want to be treated that way?  Instead of yelling at your cat, just spray her with water and/or simply neglect the cat for the day. When I say this, I mean in the sense of not talking or trying to look at it. You still must tend to its basic needs. 
Happy cat 

2. Give your cat love, love, and more love. Whenever your cat jumps on you or sits next to you, pet and talk soothingly to her. Just remember not to pet your cat too much(as in for over a minute straight). Instead, do it in around 30 second cycles. 

3. When you need to get your cat away, or off something, such as your bed, do not force the cat. First try talking to her and leading her. If none of this works, gently soothe her off, and be sure to talk to your cat and pet her a bit after she leaves. Or, just scoop your cat off the place. 

4. Do not evict your cat from places when it is not necessary. 

5. Play with your cat regularly, and schedule playing times. You should even mark it on your calendar, especially if you have a packed schedule. Have special cat times. It is suggested to play with your cat around two or three times a week, and then also whenever she tries to pounce at you or hide in a frequently passed corner. 
Just the way a cat should be!

What you just read was the recipe to having a happy. healthy cat and an unbreakable relationship. Use it wisely.

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