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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cat Adventures Story(Chapter 1) ~ The Beginning of all my Adventures

This is a chapter from a story I wrote about a group of acrobatic cats who make a perilous journey to compete in the acrobatic contest that they have dreamed of winning. Chapters shall be published weekly!


"Grrowlchomp". I, Pounce, delightedly crunched a succulent stalk of the potted palm tree. "No, Pounce! How many time have I told you?" My human servant shoved me off my launchpad to the plant. I had been caught... again. Why must humans be so annoying? Somewhat guiltily, I trudged off to find my kitten sister, Sunny and the other cats. I padded across the marble floors of the sunroom, to Pammy's favorite chair. I did not see the familiar black ear poking from the blanket. Normally, Claude and Prance made a great racket in arguing over the cat food, but I heard not even an echo. Perhaps they were in the courtyard. I stepped through the golden gate, past the majestic, burbling fountain. On opposite sides of the path, there were lavender swings and an awning, threaded with dangling, flowering vines whose fragrant smells filled the air. The buzzing of bees, hurrying from flower to flower droned monotonously. Somewhere in a corner, there was a hive --- Sunny once upset it, making a great racket. I scurried past the jade statue of a unicorn spouting water into a koi pond, until I came to a towering tree turning into brilliant shades of amber and crimson. Squirrels scrambled to collect the acorns that sprinkled the ground. Interrupting my wonder at the lovely landscape, a loud "Meeowl!" penetrated the air. At that, all of my friends -- Pammy, Claude, Prance, and Pauline came darting out of the finely pruned bushes, squabbling over whose turn it was to toss the mouse they had caught. "What was that?", I asked them. "Have you been playing hide-and-seek?", I inquired, knowing that they often played hide-and-seek, but Sunny hid herself so well that no one could find her. "No." I gazed up in the tree, to meet Sunny's frightened gaze staring down at me from the highest branch. She always manages to get herself in trouble! I sighed resignedly at Sunny's mischief, and headed up the tree. Effortlessly, I scooped her in my mouth and tossed her to Prance. "Come on, Pounce, before our human calls us in.", Pammy shoved me forward. "Wait!", Claude cried, hastily depositing the struggling mouse in the sunroom. "A gift for you.", she chuckled, and headed back to join us.

The other cats dashed outside. I looked longingly after them for several minutes. I am the only one who is not allowed outside, because I have been declawed. I spend hours gazing out the window, dreaming fantasies of what life would be like outdoors. I know every dog and cat in the neighborhood, and can recognize all the neighbor's faces - but I have never met any of them. I swatted at a butterfly passing by, but, for the millionth time, found my paw blocked by cold, impenetrable glass. My humans think the outside world is not safe for me, but I know that is not true. They have seen my strength in myriads of times when they touch me in ticklish places. I have been declawed ever since I was a kitten - ever since I climbed the wall in the kitchen. Ever since then, I have yearned for freedom to explore. Every day, I watch my friends bring in mice, grass, flowers, and grasshoppers from outside. The only thing I have ever caught is the pink mouse on a string that the humans taunt me with. I watched as my friends skipped blissfully on the curb, chomping grass along the way. The balloon that contained all my desires for freedom popped. Taking no time to reflect, I dashed out the door - away from the confines of the house, to freedom. Birds chirped melodiously in my ear. I smelled the fresh,crisp air mingling with the scent of freshly chopped grass. Excitement filled my heart, and I darted off to catch up.

 We ran along the sidewalk, nibbling wildflowers and tearing tufts of grass. I challenged Pauline to a curb-race, which she accepted. I positioned myself, ready to take off on the curb, when... I found myself face-to face with a snarling German shepherd. "Run!", I shouted. We bolted straight down the corner, with the irate dog in close pursuit. There was no time to catch my breath. Then, I halted in my tracks when I came to another cat, baring her teeth. If only I hadn't ran along this street! Now, with danger on both sides, I had to steer off the trail. Then, to my great surprise, the cat flicked us behind her with a powerful claw. She raised a paw in the dog's direction and flexed four long, razor-sharp claws. The dog growled, and, defeated, darted backwards. "And who has stumbled on my territory? Normally I don't take kindle to trespassers. I only know how vicious that dog is, and want to prove myself dominant.", she snarled. I bared my own teeth.  "I'm Felicia Fellini, and if you think you can get my territory, I'll prove you wrong.", She flexed that lethal claw of hers. Then, she sprang on me. We fell into a tangle of claws and teeth. I lashed at her with my paws which bore the weight of rocks, deviously ducking her blows. "You fight well. Who are you? I am the leader of a world renowned acrobat team. You are invited to try and join. I don't let in members so easily." I could not believe what I was hearing! "I- I'm Pounce.", I stammered. " And I would be glad to accept your offer." "Meet me tomorrow.", she said, and ran into the shadows. The next day, at daybreak, I bolted out of bed and ran to our meeting place. "Follow me.". Felicia led me through a hidden, winding, muddy path, towards the menacing woods. No one had ever entered there, and for good reason. Sometimes, at night, eerie howls and screams emanated from those woods. Was this cat leading me into a trap? We threaded our way through the underbrush. "Yeow!", I cried. "Are you trying to wake up the coyotes?", Felicia growled. She tore leaves off a branch, and began pressing them on me. I grunted audibly, very much displeased by the large cat sitting on me. "I'm not your pillow!" "Do you want to hurt of nettle all day long?", Felicia retorted. She peeled the leaves off, and my pain vanished. Finally, we came to an untidy campsite. Props and costumes littered the ground, along with other, unidentified debris. Small shelters were leaning on trees. Is this what she called a world-renowned acrobat team? Hanging from a tree was a steaming cauldron, with vile smells spiraling from it. "Crackers!", she shouted. An orange cat with white spots came darting out of a closet. "What is this stew? I'll never appoint you chef again! Throw that in the river!", she ejaculated in disgust. "Now get started." Felicia shoved me towards a rickety-looking trapeze. It wobbled as I tried to hop on. My stomach churned as the trapeze teetered. 

Do you want to know what happens next? Please check next week to find out if Felicia accepts Pounce! How do you picture the characters? Here is how I picture Pounce:
I gave Pounce the same personality as my pet cat, and I picture her in almost the same way, too!
Here is how I picture Sunny:

Here is how I picture Felicia:
or like this:

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